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silence isn't golden

Thank you for joining us in the "Silence Isn't Golden" Campaign

In lieu of music the last Friday of every month, we will participate in a reflection period available to everyone. We ask that you reflect on your life and all the amazing people that have positive influences in your happiness. We want to remind you to not take those people for granted and that a simple "Check In" could make a lasting difference in someone's life.

Please take a moment to shoot them a call, an email or even a text...

Sometimes it is hard to put "Gratitude" into words, so we have populated this Month's "LG Love Letter" to make it a bit easier.

"Hey ____,

I just wanted to check in with you tonight. I was doing some thinking over the past few minutes and I wanted to thank you for being there for me. For being someone who saw someone greater in myself. For being someone that cares for me as a person. I am lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for everything."

*This Month's "Check In" is Provided by Nick*

*If this resonates with you please copy the link and send it to that person whom you connected to while reading it....


*If you are interested in contributing to the next "Check In of The Month" please fill out the below form... {Just A First Name, Body of letter to be filled out}

We at Lib's Grill appreciate you and your being a part of the LG family. We believe in our Montra that "We are good people, serving good food to other good people" . Thank you for all that you do for us in making our lives more fulfilled.  


We honor this page to our beloved Katie Klein who lives on in our actions to our community, to our compassion to people and our love of humanity.


If you wish to learn more about Katie's Charity "Let It Be Life", click the link below

Want to feature a quote at our next "silence isn't golden" night?
submit it here!

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